Saturday, April 30, 2016

I hope you’ve all had a relaxing week off!  I can’t believe that it is already May.  We have a lot of exciting things ahead of us in the next 8 weeks as we finish off fourth grade.

Throughout the month of April we studied poetry and were able to try out a few different kinds of poems.  April is poetry month, so it was a great time to learn some new types of writing before we begin our Historical Fiction writing unit when we return next week!

In social studies we created a timeline on one of the bulletin boards in our classroom, called “The Road to Revolution”. We have been studying the causes of the Revolutionary War and read different passages about the causes of the Revolution.  We discussed the French and Indian War, The Battle of Lake George, Sugar and Stamp Acts, Quartering Act, Sons of Liberty, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, and the Intolerable Acts.  We will continue learning about the Revolutionary War and the important battles as we begin our new writing unit next week.

In Math we are still on topic 14, Measuring Units and Conversions. We have learned about different customary units of length, capacity, and weight.  Next week we will learn about the metric system!

A few reminders as you gear up to come back to school on Monday:

-If you have not sent in your Nature’s Classroom Deposit, that is due ASAP.

-We are still in need of as many 2-liter bottles as you can send in!  Please make sure the caps are included. It takes 3 bottles to make each ecosystem and each student will build their own ecosystem. If you have more at home please send them in.  We appreciate it!

-As we get into the warmer spring months, please make sure you are sending a water bottle with your child each day!  It’s important to make sure the students drink up and stay hydrated as temperatures start to rise. Keeping the sugary drinks at home will help eliminate spills and ants in our classroom, and we all appreciate that!

Thanks for your continued support!!

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