I want to thank each of you for making my transition back to Behtlehem an easy one. Having taught third grade at Glenmont in the 2013-2014 school year, I was excited to come back to a school that I felt so comfortable in. I knew most of the teachers and staff and that definitely put me at ease. In my position last year at Lake George I shared a classroom with a regular education teacher. This year was my first year teaching "on my own"...and at a grade level I was new to. I want you to know how much I appreciate your support and encouragement over the course of the school year. Having parental support and open lines of communication is an essential part of a successful school year. We learned a lot of new things, participated in some fun and exciting projects, started a new spelling program, developed skills needed for fourth grade, and made new friends along the way. All of these things would not have been possible without your constant support!
Field Day 2016
I also want to thank you for sharing your children with me. You may not realize how much they are "my kids" as they are yours. They have all touched my life and this school year in positive and rewarding ways. Each of them has brought something different to our classroom community, and we have all gained something from knowing one another. They are an insightful group, who care about one another and the world around them. We have learned kindness, teamwork, compassion, compromise, and acceptance by being with each other this year. If nothing else, this is what we need now more than anything in our world.
Thank you as well for the wonderful class gift. I have a list of books that need to be updated for the classroom and I have already ordered some for next year! It was such a generous and thoughtful thing to do, and I truly appreciate it! I am also constantly reminded of your wonderful children when I water my beautiful flowers!
Friends helping me level books for the class library (giving up recess the last weeks of school!)
I have received a few of your children's letters in the mail and they put a smile on my face when I open my mailbox. I can't wait to hear how their summer's are going and what they are all up to!
The last week of school we did a close reading of the the song "Nothing More" by The Alternate Routes. One of my favorite quotes from the song...
"We are love, we are one, we are how we treat each other when the day is done.
We are peace, we are war, we are how we treat each other and nothing more."
Nothing More by The Alternate Routes
Enjoy the rest of summer :)
Mrs. Riegel
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