Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to the last couple weeks…

In reading workshop we began our nonfiction unit.  We started this unit discussing how grown-up nonfiction readers read differently.  They make a commitment to learning from the text by making connections between what they already know and care about within the text. We also talked about how previewing the whole text and predicting how it might go can help us make connections.  Understanding the different ways the text is organized, or text structure will also help us while reading nonfiction.  Common text structures are problem/solution, compare/contrast, cause and effect, and chronological. Check out the chart below!

In writing workshop we learned how some writers get ideas for essays.  It helps to think about a person and list some ideas about them then chose one idea to free write on.  After thinking about people that matter to us, we came up with places and objects. We are working on coming up with meaningful ideas rather than fleeting thoughts.

We finished topic 5 in math this week.  When we return from break we will have a day for review and will take our test on Tuesday. This topic is all about multiplication and strategies for how to multiply one digit by two and three digit numbers. The last lessons in the unit taught us how to use rounding to estimate our answers as well as how we can check our answers for reasonableness.

As you are aware, all fourth grade classes in the district were given chromebooks this year.  We use our chromebooks daily. In writing workshop we use googledocs to draft our pieces.  The students share their pieces with me so that I can see their progress and provide editing suggestions. We use seesaw as a digital learning portfolio, adding items that we would like our families to see. Google classroom is another tool that we use, and it allows me to create assignments for the students (i.e. reading response questions, quizzes, etc).  After they finish an assignment they submit it so I can see how they do. We also use an app called “Let’s Recap”.  It’s a video response and reflection app that allows me to see how students are learning.  We are really loving the chromebooks!

In case you are not aware, all elementary schools are now serving breakfast.  Let me know if you would like your child to get breakfast before coming to the classroom in the morning.  You can read more about it here:

We had a fabulous Thanksgiving feast with our buddies this week!  Thanks to all of those who helped make it possible!

Have a fabulous Thanksgiving.  Thanks for all you do!

Mrs. Riegel

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Thank you Veterans!

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend.  Thank you to all those who served our country, and continue to do so. 

This week was the start of many new things.

We began our opinion writing unit and talked about essay writing this week.  Understanding how to write an essay will help in middle school, high school, and even college.  We use what's called "boxes and bullets" in this unit.  The "box" is our thesis statement and the "bullets" are our reasons.  We started off by using a class thesis:  "I love ice cream!"  The students then wrote a flash draft essay using the chart below and three of their own reasons with evidence.  Ask them to tell you about their essay!

In reading workshop we began our nonfiction reading unit.  We read two different excerpts related to weather and responded to a few questions about these readings. 

We finished topic 4 in math. The tests will be sent home tomorrow. 

In science we played a fun game to identify all of the rocks that the students observed and took great notes on.  Next, learned about the different tests that we will preform on the minerals.  We learned about Moh's Hardness Scale and why we need to do a streak test on each of the minerals. Magnetism, luster, light,  and shape are a few of the other properties we will observe.  

We met with our buddies and did a fun Thanksgiving craft!  The students discussed what they are grateful for and made pendants to hang in our class!


We are looking forward to our Thanksgiving feast next Monday! Please check out our volunteer link below.  We are still in need of one more egg casserole.  :)

Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead!

Mrs. Riegel 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Happy November!

I can't believe that October has already come and gone.  Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, not just because of all the delicious food that comes along with it, but because it's a time to reflect on all that I have to be thankful for. Thank you to each and everyone of you for entrusting me with your children everyday.  We have a wonderful blend of personalities in our class and we enjoy spending our days together! 

This week was a wrap up week for a few of our units.

In writing workshop we finished editing the final copies of our realistic fiction stories.  Not only did students have final editing suggestions from me, but we had peer editors who helped look over some of the stories before sending them to the printing press!  

In reading workshop we started the last bend of our interpreting characters unit of study.  This last bend requires us to synthesize to help come up with interpretations about our books.  When we find parts that connect together, or ideas that connect together, we can start to ask ourselves what life issues our books display, and what the author is trying to teach us about this issue.  When we do this kind of work we can think back across all the parts of the story.  These interpretations lead us to consider themes in our books.

In math we are on Topic 4, addition and subtraction of whole numbers. So far we've used mental math to add and subtract numbers, we've estimated sums and differences of whole numbers, and we have added and subtracted whole numbers with and without regrouping.  We have one more lesson in this unit and then our topic test will be next week.

We are wrapping up our learning about the geography of New York State.  The giant NYS map really helped us gain a better awareness of where things are in relation to where we are located in New York.  

Enjoy your weekend!